The Roman Catholic Church is once again exploiting its hold on Filipinos’ hearts and minds to further its political agenda. This time it has employed the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) to tap its network of educational institutions and the large body of students and employees of these to contribute much needed numbers for a “grand rally” at the Luneta Friday the 21st September organised by the Philippine Opposition.
The CEAP called on the Philippines’ Catholic schools to deploy “as large as possible delegation” of administration personnel, faculty, and students to come out attend a “Mass for Dignity and Peace” at San Agustin Church, Intramuros Manila followed by a “grand rally” at the Luneta.
According to CEAP trustee for the National Capital Region Fr. Nolan Que who signed the memo, this is a cause to protest a government that needs to be “straightened out”.

One wonders though if this is just a stunt used by the Church to distract from its own failure to “straighten out” Filipinos.
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