Should I get a laptop? I’ve got a laptop at work but I don’t take it out of the office. For most of the other stuff I do on the go, — email, social media, writing, etc. — my smartphone seems good enough. I wonder though if I can be more productive with a personal laptop.
I do have a 4G-equipped iPad with a keyboard that came free when I upgraded my phone plan. I’ve been using it but found that much of what I use it for I can do more efficiently on my phone — a Pixel 3.
The trouble with the iPad is that even if it’s got a keyboard, using a touch-screen is not really my thing. Presumably I’d be doing more of the heavy-duty work on a bigger-screen device. But the experience is just not up to par without a proper mouse or laptop trackpad.

There’s just too much arm movement required to work on a touch-screen. I’m also an ace thumb-tap-typer so no issues with doing long writing on a phone.
For now, there’s no beating a good high-end smartphone to do the essentials in today’s digital world.
Digital nomad in the making